Thursday, 13 December 2012

Saddleworth Families DNA Project FORM

Saddleworth Families DNA Project

Arising out of the Day School the Society has decided to carry out a study using DNA data. Men have a genetic DNA profile inherited from their father, who in turn has inherited from his father and so on back through the generations with relatively few changes. Thus a son (and his brothers) inheriting the family name is also inheriting the father’s DNA profile.

Using the information in the DNA profile can help to solve problems in building a family tree. It may also be possible to investigate the origins of families such as the Mallalieus, whether families such as the Wrigleys or Hawkyards actually originate in Saddleworth or whether families such as Broadbent or Wood, whose surnames arise from landscape features are, in fact, one family.

It may also be possible to investigate even earlier origins. Although DNA profiles are specific to families they are, at the same time, members of groups and these groups are less or more common in different parts of Europe. Using this approach it has been possible to show that parts of Britain were settled by Vikings.

These are examples. Other studies are possible and we would welcome ideas.

The society has obtained some funding under the LEADER project which will contribute to the cost of DNA sampling.

At this stage we are looking for members who are interested in taking part in the project either men with a Saddleworth name or who can volunteer a male relative to undertake a DNA test (This, it should be emphasised, only has a family history application and is confidential).

If you have not yet started researching your family the Society should be able to help, provided a known male ancestor can be identified before 1911.

[Members without a local surname may, through the Society, be able to take the DNA test at a discounted rate.]

I am interested in taking part in the Saddleworth DNA project

Name..................................................................... email.............................................

Oldest known ancestor.....................................................................................................

Please return to Neil Barrow (who can also provide further information)

Carr Farm Cottage, Diggle, Saddleworth OL3 5ND

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